Thursday, January 9, 2020


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Can you give rice to your dog? Is it digestible? Is it useful in case of diarrhea? In what form and in what quantities can you give it to your dog?

Rice, a source of starch for dogs

Rice is a cereal that contains many nutrients such as vegetable proteins, B vitamins, manganese, selenium, antioxidants and phosphorus. But, above all, rice is a starchy food, a source of complex carbohydrates that can be assimilated, << slow sugars >>.

Does a dog digest rice well?

The assimilable complex carbohydrate present in the greatest quantity in rice is starch. This is the "sugar" that constitutes the energy reserves of the plants. Dogs are said to be carnivores and are therefore not able to digest starch well. The reality is a little more nuanced.

Dogs are beautiful and able to digest starch because they are carnivores with an omnivorous tendency and not strict carnivores. During their evolution, dogs have become closer to humans and have adapted "digestively" to their relatively high carbohydrate diet.

In dogs and humans, starch digestion is enabled by salivary and pancreatic amylase. These digestive enzymes enable the starch molecule to be broken down into glucose units that can be assimilated by the body. However, the dog's ability to digest starch remains more limited than that of humans, so the consumption of starch in dogs must be limited.

Primitive dog breeds that evolved from regions where agriculture was little developed and sources of starch were limited do not have the same enzymatic equipment as other dogs!

Which dogs can you give rice to?

Rice for dogs fed a household ration

If your dog does not belong to a primitive breed of dog and is fed with a household ration, you can have cooked rice included in his bowl. Rice is a cheap source of energy and is also well-tolerated digestively.

If your dog is fed with kibbles, he will get enough starch in his ration, so there is no need to add rice to his ration! You risk giving him too much energy and saturating his digestive enzymes with too much starch.

Rice for dogs with digestive problems

Low in fiber, well-cooked white rice can be used as a highly digestible food when you want to reduce the stool production of a dog suffering from diarrhea. Conversely, the high fiber content of whole-grain rice can help fight constipation.

If rice helps to combat these digestive problems, it should not be used as an exclusive treatment. If your dog is ill, always consult a veterinarian!

Rice, in what form do you give it to your dog?

In raw rice, the starch comes in the form of small grains that are insoluble in cold water. In this form, it is completely indigestible because it is inaccessible to the dog's digestive enzymes. When rice is cooked in hot water or puffed, the starch grains become much more available for amylase.

For these and other reasons, it is advisable to always give your dog very well cooked rice, puffed rice or rehydrated rice flakes, because it is in these forms that it is most digestible for him.

How much rice should I give my dog?

The amount of rice to give your dog as part of a normal household ration depends on your dog's needs. It should always be less than the amount of meat given.


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